“Confusion in her eyes that says it all” at Maria Stenfors, London

Confusion in her eyes that says it all. Installation view. Courtesy Maria Stenfors, London

Confusion in her eyes that says it all

7 November – 13 December 2014
at Maria Stenfors, London

Artists: Tamsin Casswell, Jennifer Douglas, Hans Rosenström

Confusion in her eyes that says it all brings together three artists who each in turn explore perceptions of intimacy and communication, deceptive illusion and control. Humble, everyday materials are transformed, creating new narratives and spaces that draw us in and make us question the nature of experience. Hereby, the exhibition examines the unique perspective an individual experiences at a particular moment in time, and the altered perceptions evoked by an artwork. Continue reading ““Confusion in her eyes that says it all” at Maria Stenfors, London”