U.F.O. – NAUT JK (Július Koller) orchestrated by Rirkrit Tiravanija at kurimanzutto, Mexico City

Július Koller, UFO-NAUT J.K. (U.F.O), 1980. Courtesy the artist, kurimanzutto and Galerie Martin Janda, Vienna

U.F.O. – NAUT JK (Július Koller)
orchestrated by Rirkrit Tiravanija
13 November 13 – 15 December 2012
at kurimanzutto, Mexico City

Július Koller, a single figure, invented conceptual tools to make sense (and sometimes nonsense) of life under Communist Czechoslovakia. His Work aims to a consant questioning of the world and the cultural context, oening up possibilities doe a humanistic utopia at unexpected places.

For this exhibition Rirkrit Tiravanija has chosen to reactivate some of the most significant work of Július Koller, such as Universal Futurological Question Mark (UFO), which was oriiginally formed on a hill in 1978 by Koller and a group of kids. Recently, a question mark was formed bby a group of people at the Zócalo in downtown Mxico City to be documented and presented in kurimanzutto [read the full text here]

Gob. Rafael Rebollar 94,
Col. San Miguel Chapultepec 11850,
Mexico City, Mexico

Opening hours:
Tuesday – Thursday: 11h00 – 18h00
Friday – Saturday: 11h00 – 16h00