John Isaacs “The Architecture of Empathy” at Travesía Cuatro, Madrid

John Isaacs, Ngorongoro, 2013. Glazed ceramic. Courtesy the artist and Travesía Cuatro, Madrid

John Isaacs
The Architecture of Empathy

19 September – 20 November 2013
at Travesía Cuatro, Madrid

Just as in the works of the exhibition, John Isaacs suggests that empathy is constructed from parallel stories of existence. An architecture which flows through time and space like gravity, binding all together with an invisible power. The architecture of empathy could be subterranean, built underneath our aspirational towers and skyscrapers, channeled through the very foundations of our utopias and constructed from the blood of millions of severed umbilical cords. Here there is no visible landscape other than the peaks of human kindness, and the dark valleys where evil deeds lurk. We, you and I, are fused in this way more profoundly than an other and though it is so, it is often forgotten. All to easily we become lost in a labyrinth constructed of paths burned deep like scorched brands mapping out our daily route to the waking reality of existence. A route which I shaped above ground, in history, by the murderous and the insane, yet that we follow blindly, or look upon with closed eyes.
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Jorge Perianes “Sin Título” at Galería Max Estrella, Madrid

Jorge Perianes, Sin Título, 2013. Synthetic fiber. Detail. Courtesy the artist and Galería Max Estella.

Jorge Perianes
Sin Título

31 January – 6 April 2013
at Galería Max Estrella, Madrid

The ambiguity and uncertainty are concepts that arise from observing his works, pieces of aesthetic beauty, colorful and polished, always perfectly calculated, that works as a lure to the viewer. Jorge Perianes metaphorically indicates the pretensions of his work: “Its inner gear is very similar to the carnivorous plants or flowers. They are structures that bring you closer to a story that is perhaps cruder or more cruel than it seems”. Thus, Perianes seeks people to get closer to the works and to be caught by them, even though at the end they do not understand the message. Using subtle mechanisms of attraction-repulsion-deception, with a distinctly scenographic, which he normally conceives ex profeso for the place where the piece will be exposed.
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