Anahita Razmi “Automatic Assembly Actions” at Carbon 12, Dubai

Anahita Razmi, Arsenals, 2012. Installation view. Courtesy the artist and Carbon 12, Dubai

Anahita Razmi
Automatic Assembly Actions

14 January – 14 March 2013
at Carbon 12, Dubai

Many worlds collide in Razmi’s work: cultural spheres, semantic frameworks, art history, politics, and some of them together. Through appropriation of heritage, symbols, and even other artists ideas, contexts are redefined and concepts juxtaposed. Razmi attacks these systems directly, honestly and relentlessly. Free from conceptual restraints; any surplus is discarded until only the message itself remains.
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“House of Cards” at Grey Noise, Dubai

Danilo Correale, The Future in Their Hands (The visible hands) 2011/12, 6 c-prints (framed). Courtesy the artist and Grey Noise

House of Cards
31 October – 2 December 2012
at Grey Noise, Dubai
Artists: Danilo Correale, Julian Göthe, Niklas Goldbach and Judith Hopf.
Curated by Viktor Neumann.

The idiomatic phrase “house of cards” can be traced back to its first use by poet John Milton in 1641, already reflecting on the structural defects within systems built on a shaky foundation and held together only in an insubstantial and fragile manner. Little has changed in today’s meaning of the metaphor, though within the neoliberal era the complex global interdependence of systems and their balances of power have taken on a new dimension of inherent instability. For what applies to the card game applies even more to the structural and socio-political levels within systems: The taller the house of cards, the bigger the fall.
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